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Create a Black Template, it will get you a Terminal with CLI.
Enter this Single Line Command - 👇
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dxzenith/eclipse-testnet/main/eclipse.sh && chmod +x eclipse.sh && ./eclipse.sh
Follow Below Steps
Main Steps -
- Creating SOL wallet in 'Step - 6 ScreenShot'.
- Fund some $SOL to that Wallet.
- Export that SOL Wallet to OKX Wallet.
- Open that OKX wallet click Receive Button and select 'Sepolia ETH Address' copy it.
- Send some Sepolia $ETH to that Address.
- Next, Retrieve the "'Sepolia ETH Address' Private Key" and copy to enter like same in 'Step - 8 ScreenShot'.
- Copy Program Address in 'Step - 9 ScreenShot'
Fill This Form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJQCFBKHpiy2HVw9lTjCj7k0BqNKnP6G1cd0YdKhaPLWD-AA/viewform?pli=1
For Retrieving 'Private Key' , ScreenShots are shared Below