These Food Items Helps You In Finding💁'Vitamin - A' .

Our body needs a lot of vitamin A. Find out what foods you get the vitamin from.

Vitamin A plays a major role in a balanced diet. Eating foods rich in vitamin A is key to body development and body function. We all know that vitamin A is only good for ice. Vitamin A is also good for Skin Key, Teat Key, Bones Key, too. Increases immunity and keeps the reproductive system functioning properly.

🔸Benefits of taking any vitamin in proper proportions

🔹Fights infections.

🔹Good eyesight.

🔹Prevents ocular diseases.

🔹The bones are firm.

🔹Teeth are strong.

🔹Contributes to cell regeneration.

🔹Prevents Urinary Stones.

🔹Boosts the immune system.

🔹Prevents cancer.

🔹The skin is healthy.

🔹Reduces acne, wrinkles, fine lines.

Reduces Stretch Marks.

🔹Contributes to a healthy scalp.

🔹Reduces dandruff.

🔸Now let's see what foods are rich in vitamin A.

1️⃣ Carrots: are the best source of vitamin A. Carrot halva is a favorite of everyone, but experts say that the nutrients in carrots are good for us if we want to eat it raw. Or you can take the juice and drink it.

2️⃣ Sweet potato:  Beetroot is also rich in vitamin A. This is the best snack option. Can be boiled and eaten at four in the evening. Alternatively, you can make wedges with these. Soups and warm salads are also good.

3️⃣ Leafy greens:  Once upon a time there was no meal without greens. If you remember, even those who ate leafy vegetables before as a child. However, if we want to get all the nutrients in leafy vegetables, we have to cook them properly. That is, the less cooked, the better. Experts advise that it is not advisable to cook leafy vegetables under pressure.

4️⃣ Pumpkin:  Those who have not eaten sweet pumpkin soup will not be. Sweet pumpkin is just as healthy as it tastes. Not only soup but also soups, pies, and snacks can be made with sweet pumpkin.

5️⃣ Milk:  We all give small children a glass of milk regularly. Milk contains not only calcium but also vitamin A. Adults as well as children can be protected from many diseases by drinking a glass of milk.

6️⃣ Tomato:  Tomato is an ever-present ingredient in our dishes. Pulses, curry, juice, jaggery, if there is a little tomato in it, the taste is different. Plus, you'll be getting rid of clutter you don't need. In addition to vitamin A, tomatoes are also rich in antioxidants. These prevent the growth of cancer cells. The chromium in it controls blood sugar levels.

7️⃣ Red capsicum:  Red capsicum is not only good to see but also good to eat. They are rich in carotenoids and antioxidants. These can be taken in salads and star-fries.

8️⃣ Papaya fruit:  This tropical fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. This fruit can be eaten as well. Or it can be taken in salads and smoothies.

9️⃣ Mango fruit:  This is a seasonal fruit. But, it should be eaten only during the season. Sweet and sour, this fruit is also low in calories.


🔟 Peas:  Peas are always dried and frozen in supermarkets. If you want green peas, you just have to wait a little longer. Taking a cup of peas is like taking many nutrients along with vitamin A. These can be stir-fried and eaten or cooked together in curries.

So far we have learned about vitamin A supplements available in a vegetarian diet. Now let's see what vitamin A is in meat.

1️⃣ Sea-food:  Tuna, salmon, oysters, and mackerel are rich in vitamin A. Seafood also contains omega 3 fatty acids. These are very helpful for retinal health. The niacin in them prevents cataracts. It is advisable to take seafood at least twice a week.

2️⃣ Turkey liver:  It is no exaggeration to say that there is too much of any vitamin in turkey liver. This is because one hundred grams of turkey liver contains 1507% of the daily requirement of vitamin A. It can be gravy or even used as a stuffing in chicken breast.

3️⃣ Lean Beef:  Lean beef is also rich in vitamin A. It also contains zinc which increases the ability to absorb antioxidants. The beef liver also contains vitamin A. However, if this is not taken care of, the saturated fat will increase.

4️⃣ Eggs:  Hard-boiled eggs also contain vitamin A. It also contains lutein. Both of these are very important for I Health and Better Vision. However, these vitamins are mostly found in hard-boiled eggs. Hard-boiled eggs are even better for this purpose than scrambled eggs and omelets.


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