See Here If You Eat Banana 🍌 What Happen To Your Health

🔹Do not look short-sighted. If you know about the benefits of it .. leave the apple and get used to the banana fruit.

🔸Does eating banana fruit daily help you lose weight❓

🔹Tell me who will not dislike the banana fruit. The benefits of this fruit are numerous as it not only alleviates hunger but also provides health. Just like an apple is removed from a doctor .. Banana fruit does the same thing. Don't underestimate the low cost of bananas in this regard.

🔹When it comes to weight .. Many people say that eating a banana will increase weight. But, that is untrue. By eating a banana a day .. you can lose weight without exercise. If you are aware of these benefits of eating bananas, do not give up.

🍌Banana fruit fights against cancer factors.

🍌The fiber in banana helps in weight loss.

🍌Banana fruit regulates blood sugar levels.

🍌Banana fruit improves kidney function.

🍌Banana is good medicine in controlling BP.

🍌Even better is to combine banana slices with cooked cereal.

🍌Banana fruit can stave off heart-related diseases.

🍌Banana cleanses the liver. The carotenoids in bananas are good for the liver. It improves eyesight.

🍌Banana is active in preventing vision defects.

🍌Potassium in banana fruit improves heart health.

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