Eat These 'Food🍽️Items' 😋 and Increase Your || Immunity⚡ ||

🔸Many people say that eating rice will increase weight. Is this true or not what happens when you eat rice as well as immunity in the body.

🔹The importance of immunity-boosting foods has increased in the wake of the coronavirus. We all started to know about these foods because if you increase your immunity, infections will not reach you. Experts say that you can boost your immunity by including certain food items in your daily diet. Come see Avento.

🍛Rice:   🥄Eating rice gives you energy quickly. Those with food sensitivity will not have a big problem with rice. Rice is rich in vitamins and minerals. Even if it dries quickly. Some studies show that regular rice eaters have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's. The insoluble fiber in rice protects against many types of cancer. Experts say that drinking that water while cooking rice will reduce mouth ulcers quickly. It is a myth that eating rice will lead to weight gain. Eating rice in the right amount can also help you lose weight. Eating rice at lunch gives the body all the benefits it contains.

🥜Nuts:  🥄It is best to take almonds in the morning. Almonds are rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. They lower blood pressure and control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Will defeat constipation. Prevents respiratory problems. Protect against anemia. See to it that the heart is healthy. Reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. These also make the skin key and hair key very good. Almond beans look very appetizing. Contribute to General Body Health. All of these results can be achieved by eating a handful of almonds daily. Soak overnight and eat on an empty stomach. Also, four cashews and a handful of peanuts can be taken at the evening snack time. Magnesium in cashews promotes heart and bone health. Peanuts are rich in fiber. It also contains good fats. Children can be given peanut butter if they are told to eat peanuts.

🥣Oats:    🥄Rags contain antioxidants and dietary fiber. The glycemic index of ragi is also low. The calcium and iron in them are very good for immunity. The copper crisis is a recipe we all know. Rags prevent osteoporosis. Control of diabetes. Control blood sugar. The skin is wrinkled. Ragas also help in skin glow. Vitamin C in sprouted rags makes iron easily absorbed into the blood. Rags also reduce stress. The fiber in it also makes weight loss easier. Ragi Sankati, Ragi Java, Ragi Laddu, Ragi Dosha ... can be taken anyway.

🥛Turmeric Milk:   🥄It is a habit of all of us to give warm milk to the baby before going to sleep at night. A pinch of turmeric and pepper powder can be drunk by children and adults alike. This milk protects against colds and coughs. Increase immunity. Purify the blood. Improve insulin function. You can also add turmeric to almond milk and soy milk if you want. This milk corrects the hormonal imbalance. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. However, all these results can be obtained if this milk is taken before going to bed at night. However, keep in mind that too much yellow can lead to acidity and a bloating key. 

Also Read This Related Post:  About Turmeric Milk  😋 

🥫Pickles:    🥄Everyone knows that emeralds are not good for health. But, that is not true. All that is used in pickles is uncooked. Avocado, amaranth, lemon ... any vegetable is put in the jaggery. Hence their nutritional values ​​are inactive. They are delicious to the mouth. Probiotics in emeralds are good for gut health. Contribute to abrasion. In addition to antioxidants, emeralds can also provide vitamins and minerals. However, jaggery can create problems if not eaten properly. Eating a little pickle in lentils and yogurt is good but not bad.

🍶Yogurt:    🥄The role of yogurt in boosting immunity cannot be forgotten. Yogurt promotes gut-friendly bacteria. Consumption of a few pieces of fruit and a little bit of yogurt reduces the chances of getting diabetes by twenty-five percent. Vitamin D helps in relieving colds and coughs. If you do not like yogurt, try yogurt instead of milk in shakes.

🥗Greens:    🥄All greens, such as cabbage and broccoli, are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as folate, antioxidants, and fiber. These help cell development key cell function key well. These can be used to make Pappu and curries. Or it can be used in soups.

🥙Mistress:    🥄We can not even imagine a kitchen without spices. Turmeric, anise, coriander, dill, cumin, mustard, garlic, pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and curry all contribute to dehydration. Cough and cold are prevented. Boost immunity. The results can be obtained by using them in cooking as needed.

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