During 'COVID-19' Custard Apple Is Safe❓

Stay fit, stay healthy - these two words are now a part of our lives. There is no record of such a focus on health in the past. Even those who dare to take medicines in case of health problems are changing the root of this disease without medicine. We all became health-conscious at once when we learned that the Kovid-19 virus would not be detected if immunity was high.

Now we all start learning about foods that boost immunity. We started getting used to a healthy lifestyle. Sita fruit is one of such healthy foods. It is the time when Sita comes to fruition. Experts say that seasonal problems can be avoided by consuming fruits and vegetables that come in any season. In addition to reducing seasonal problems, custard apple has many other health benefits. Avento, find out why you should take this fruit regularly during this period.

🌀Custard apple is very tasty. This fruit is said to be an example of a balanced diet. It contains calories, protein, fat, iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus in the right quantity.

🌀Due to the fiber and minerals present in custard apple, this fruit helps in dehydration. Contributes to Bowl Moment. Thereby, problems like gas and constipation are avoided. Apart from that, this fruit also checks for problems like diarrhea.

🌀Custard apple is rich in vitamins. These vitamins prevent aging. Due to the anti-aging properties of this fruit, the skin has a good glow. This fruit fights free radicals and keeps cells strong.

🌀Custard apple is also heart-shaped to look at. That is why it protects heart health. Ensures proper blood circulation throughout the body. Therefore, anemia does not occur. The iron in it makes the arteries healthy. Hemoglobin levels are also correct.

🌀Like most fruits, Sita fruit has cooling properties. In a tropical country like India, even if it rains, the heat does not subside. This fruit maintains the natural temperature of the body. Expels excess heat.
Eat Sita fruit as well. But, for those who want to try new recipes, here is a good smoothie recipe, give it a try.

🔸Take Sita fruit and wash carefully, well.
🔸Now remove the seeds and grind the pulp.
🔸Add a tablespoon of oats to this paste.
🔸Now slice a banana in it.
🔸Add a cup of yogurt in it.
🔸Put all these in a blender and blend.
🔸Your smoothie is ready.
🔸Pour it in a glass and enjoy it.

However, if you do not have any problems in taking this smoothie, consult your dietitian once and take it according to their instructions.

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